The files in this directory make up an example 'project' for the Microchip MPLab IDE. The .HEX file that is built by the IDE can be loaded into the ECPE5 PIC Project board using XWisp. To use these files you must first install the MPLab IDE (these files were tested with version 6.10) and install XWisp. (The .mcp and .mcw 'project' files created by the MPLab IDE are not included because they use full path names and are therefore not portable between directory structures. See Notes.txt for more information.) To create a .HEX file from the flashLEDs.asm file using the MPLab IDE: - start MPLab IDE - Select Project->New... and enter flashLEDs for the project name, and the directory where the flashLEDs.asm file is located for the project directory. - Select Project->Add files to Project... and add the flashLEDs.asm file. - Select Configure->Select Device... and choose PIC16F877 from the list. - Select Project->Make There should be two warning messages, one each assocated with lines 127 and 153 of flashLEDs.asm. - Double-click on programmer.xwisp and select MPLab flashLEDs to download the flashLEDs.hex file to the PIC Project Board. The flashLEDs program uses the interrupt from Timer 1 to flash the LEDs. Files: Notes.txt - notes on installation problems I observed README.txt - this file flashLEDs.asm - assembly source for the program programmer.xwisp - XWisp command file that will program the flashLEDs.HEX file $Id: README.txt,v 1.2 2003/03/14 02:03:43 jerry Exp $ $Source: /home/cvsroot/projectsTop/picProjectBoard/examples/mplab_example/README.txt,v $