Pat in Toulouse, 2004

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09/13/2004: "Monday"

It's too bad we lost the other long blog for the first few days.....this morning Pat and I will be heading to Esperaza to pick up Kaye and Suzanne. We plan to go to Rennes Chateau to paint and look around. We're waiting for some of the fog to burn off so we can drive up the 'hill'. Ellie is off to ride horses this morning as is her usual activity for Monday morning.

We had a fun time yesterday afternoon at the vernissage meeting with locals and other artists from around the area. It made me think later that maybe this is what all those painters meeting at the Guerbois did all those years ago......people with so many different political persuasions meeting, having a glass (or more) of wine and arguing politics or what ever comes to mind.

My second painting of the day yesterday is now in Ellie C's collection .......and we are so proud of Suzanne and Kaye...they both sold paintings ....both of Suzanne's. What a great time we had. Then we went to Quillan for dinner and more talk.

Replies: 11 Comments.

on Monday, September 13th, Julie Westmoreland said

:) Hope all is well. I guess you all got there with no trouble. I am checking on your house, actually I am there right now. Dad is at Granny's, and I am spending the night at your house. Waiting on exterminator at my house. I am hopefully writing where you can read this. I see Cyn has also written you. Have a wonderful time, I know you are. I wish I were riding horses there also. Love, Julie P.S. Don't have e-mail address yet, so I will try to check yours!!!

on Monday, September 13th, cynthia king said

wow...i love hearing about your adventures real so jealous...i want to ride horses in france!
grummie and i found a rattlesnake...we both levitated and i lost both my shoes...(shoe recovery by paolo, who drove into the grass to retrieve them hours later)....also, i am being trained by a non english speaking body builder....santos ramos...the 7 time mexican champion no less....that's all i've got and ya'll are just gettin' started.

on Monday, September 13th, Ellie said

I just put up a web page of photos from Friday.

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