
This website exists so that I can browse and share the tracks I have collected with myTracks. The application itself does not provide browsing controls that work with hundreds of tracks nor does it provide a way to easily share a track.

In addition I wanted to try out some new (compared to page frameworks, javascript, and CSS.

myTracks is a free Android app developed by Google. I started using it on my first Android phone and continue to use it on an almost daily basis. I track the walks I take for exercise at lunch, hikes, and travel. Most of the tracks are walking/hiking, though there are a few tracks from skiing and a few others from road trips that I wanted to see mapped.


This site is built on the work of many others:

The front-end framework used for this site. It made it easy to adjust the site layout and, through the use of Responsive design, usable on a wide range of screen sizes (think smart phone).
A jQuery plugin that adds client side sorting to tables.
This is a template generator that was a big help in getting started.
This collaborative project keeps me interested in mapping applications.
Beautiful maps based on the OpeStreetMap data.
For aerial tiles.
The glue that makes these maps possible.
for ideas on site layout.
jsFiddle is not used on this site, but I often found examples, or problems solutions, when I used it to lookup up javascript operations that were new to me.
Chip Chapin
Thanks for the simple example of how to automatically put a Last Modified date on the page.


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