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07/12/2004: "LONDON"

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OK i dont have much time cause we dont know how much were payikng for this internet so owell... ill postmore pics when we get cheaper internet... this is my favorite so far of Big Ben... Let me catch u up on my first two days in london...

Day 1

This was the longetst day ever.. dannnng.... so on the 10th a sat. we spent the day watching the tour
and packing and around 330 we headed off to the airport. we checked in and still had 2 hour to watste so i had somme last chinese food for awhile... our plane flight was a nice 6.5 hours but it was pretty col cause we were like in a step above coach but below buisness. so we got a lil better service and some leg room which was helpful. We had our own tvs and could play crappy games too!I was pissed though cause they had terrible food as usuall and onoly once service drink of these migit sized sprites... i spent most of the time watching Dirty Dancing "havana nights" and 50 first dates... so i didnt get as much reading done as i should have.. .owell... we finaly got to the air port and stood in line for customs for an HOUR it was terribly croweded and not fun for a ton of jet lagged visitors... we got through and got our bags and took a taxi to our hotel... it was great seeing how these british drive onthe wrong side of the road. we got to the hotel and took 3 hours for a nap and a shower... jus to get a little rest for a day in england cause we arrived in the country at 7am after we got up we took a cliche double decker bus tour around london which was sooooo fun cuase our guide had a "lovely" english accents and used catch frases such as "fantasic" "wonderful" "fantasic" it was sooooo english!... he cracked a otn of jokes against america too... for instance a group of kids with long black jackets on walked by and our guide was like "look there gonna go shooot up a nice school!" lol bad humor but jus funny... i got some nice pics too that ill put up later. We heard lenny kravitz in londons equivelent to Central park.. that was cool... we got back to the hotel and ate a fancy dinner there cause we were jus exausted... then i went up stairs too k a loooong BUBBLE bath and went to bed... like i said a LOOONG DAY

Day 2:

So after a much needed night rest we got up at 830 and had a great breakfast with cheese and salami and bread and jelly... then we took the "tubes" (SUBWAY) to the london tower... the tower whcih was a fort for william the conquer and later used as a place to hold the people that would be beheaded.... that was interesting... it was "quite" fun... we also saw the crown jewls which were HUGE... after that we were tired (legs) so we headed to harrods were we had a light lunch (very expensive) theen shopped (my aunt and cousin mainly) then had HIGH tea... we had scones and pastries and tea .... it was "delightful" i had the afternnoon blend with some cream and 3 cubes of sugar... that was an expierence... after that we took the tube home and here i am! were heading out to a pub for lunch which im excited for... thenwere gonna see trafalgors square...so still a lot to do... ill put up more pics when im in Holland... i got some great souviners...ill tell ya later i dont want to waste too much time.;l.....EMAIL ME or COMMENT On the site!!!!!!!!!!! ttyl

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